Speech Trainer

Speech Trainer

by Arphi
Speech Trainer of Arphi Electronics Pvt Ltd helps speed up speech training of hearing impaired children.

301 MK-I

Provides inbuilt microphones to teacher/speech therapist and student.

Technical Specification

  • Inputs: Teacher’s microphone (Mic R), Student’s Mic (Mic L)
  • Output: Through stereo headphones.
  • Operating Power: 230V, 50Hz
  • Channel Selection: Selectable combinations of headphone channels: L only, R only, both L+R
  • Tone Controls: individual tone controls

300 B

Speech signals of teacher & student are internally mixed and fed to a stereo headphone. Thus the student can simultaneously hear teachers and her/his own voice.

Technical Specification

  • Inputs: Teacher’s microphone (Mic R), Student’s Mic (Mic L)
  • Output: Through stereo headphones.
  • Operating Power: 230V, 50Hz
  • Channel Selection: Selectable combinations of headphone channels: L only, R only, both L+R
  • Tone Controls: Stereo tone controls (frequency filters): High pass, Low pass

300 MK-III

Provides inbuilt microphones to teacher/speech therapist and student.

Technical Specification

  • Inputs: Teacher’s microphone (Mic R), Student’s Mic (Mic L)
  • Output: Through stereo headphones.
  • Operating Power: 230V, 50Hz
  • Channel Selection: Selectable combinations of headphone channels: L only, R only, both L+R
  • Tone Controls: Stereo tone controls (frequency filters): High pass, Low pass

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